washington spring


21x20 cm

mixed media on paper

I come from Lebanon, a country of gentle colors and crowded streets. It is a small country and the scale of life is small. Maybe that is why I choose small sizes for my paintings. They are intimate and personal.
Washington, DC is spacious. Compared to Beirut it is ordered and relatively calm. The seasons here are punctuated. In Lebanon they flow one into the other, sometimes coexisting. Spring in Washington bursts with color, in contrast to the Mediterranean spring which is quietly still. Moving from one landscape into another is not easy. Nature means home. To feel at one with it implies layers and depths of acceptance. Feeling at one with it means coming to terms with its silent language.

The first few years I was here, I was overwhelmed with the enormity of the loss I experienced. Today, I am enriched by what I have gained. I hope in these works to do justice to the complexity of this emotion.