return journeys

This publication documents Afaf’s creative journeys over the last several decades; journeys that traverse a wide range of media and themes, all united by a shared expression in visualizing what afaf calls , “the resounding sound of silence.” A collection of voices from colleagues, students, and friends who reflect on Afaf’s art, the publication stands testimony to the power of an art that speaks from the depths of the souls.

Return Journeys Monograph was produced alongside its eponymous retrospective exhibition, held at Saleh Barakat Gallery in 2019.

Available at Saleh Barakat Gallery. Designed by Twig Collaborative.

drawn by light

This book represents a dialogue between image and word, and experience and thought. In this sequence of twenty pairs of images and texts spanning forty years of the artist's personal growth, it offers readers a rare view of the nature of expression. The intuitive choice of couplets and the way they flow reveal singular aspects of the creative process. The book invites readers on a journey aimed at understanding art through the transformative shift that comes from combining experience and thought, looking within while also observing from without.

Available at AUB Press. Designed by Twig Collaborative.

shifting lights

Shifting Lights is the eponymous catalogue of the Shifting Lights exhibition that took place in Beit Beirut Dec 2017-Jan 2018. Published by Librarie Antoine, the catalogue documents the collaboration between Afaf Zurayk, Noel Nasr, and Rami Saab, that culminated in the coming together of three artists through nine suspended structures, housing nine portraits, that layer both presence and memory.

Designed by Twig Collaborative.

drawn poems

A collection of drawings printed and bound in an edition of 500 copies.

my father. reflections

This essay in photograph tells a very personal tale. Yet in its scope, the essay moves beyond the particular to explore an understanding of a very complex relationship of a daughter with her father. The father, Constantine Zurayk, was a historian and a leading force in contemporary Arab thought. The daughter, Afaf, is an artist. Drawing on this most basic and formative relationship, Afaf examines visually, through images of light and shadow, the deep roots of bonding as well as the concept of time as it unfolds for a historian and for an artist.

Available at Rimal Books.


Lovesong is a portfolio of poems and paintings that unfold rhythmically to echo love as it moves forward and backward in time. The paper was chosen for its lightness and transparency to help express the presence of the past and the future in the present moment. The precious and almost secretive nature of love and loving is found in the design of the cover that becomes a hidden treasure to discover and to behold.

Available at Rimal Books.