places i have been

series of 12, 2012 

40x40 cm each

charcoal on canvas

The gift of receiving is an honor that is bestowed by our ancestors on spirits eager to absorb and do the necessary reflection to move themselves and others into realms of understanding hitherto unchartered or only ascertained through the act of letting go and of connecting.

This territory is covered by the few. It is the privilege of allowing the a-rational to live alongside the mundane and the practical. It is accepting the presence of beings that exist through endless Time only to make their presence felt in a moment of acknowledgment.

It is the existence of the many essences within the one. It is the dark energy that has no mass. It exists only to move the present into a realization of immense continuity. It makes the receiver both a speck and a totality.

Awareness of the present observed through the past. Not actively giving. But being felt as fact where science, magic and art converge.

Painting these ‘beings’ is for me accepting, forming, conversing and reaching beyond the self. Painting them allows me to open myself to presences that wish to shape and to inform. To shape our present understanding and to inform us of the multitude realities that exist within us. All this is comforting.

My art can only listen and invite.