
series of 6, 2000

28x19 cm

acrylic & watercolor on paper

Saying farewell was a very long process of coming to terms with the darkness of finality and its ever present emerging light. The depth of this terrain forced me to look with piercing honesty at my attempts to explore my reflections visually.

Even as a child I was fascinated with chiaroscuro. In time this translated itself into real life experiences where the feeling for the Dark had within it an understanding of the Light. Dark and Light became, for me, neither contradictory nor opposite and formed the basis for my knowledge of the other.
Becoming a dance of shado
ws, ideas and emotions discerned themselves slowly and I attempted to express them with the subtlety with which they were experienced.
Intricate as they were the dissipating Dark allowed for the emerging Light and continued for me the eternal process of forming and being formed.

As an artist this wish to form became paramount and my paintings spoke in passages that connected. And understanding began.